Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lamp Complete!

I know it has been days since I last posted, I am having a hard time adjusting to the new "summer" schedule.  I used to run my errands while my kids were in school, finding lots of fun treasures to makeover.  Now, not so much.  My kids DO NOT want to go anywhere, especially thrift stores.  Like Saturday for example, I finally got out and about (thanks to great neighbors who watched a few of my kids while hubby was out of town) and got to run some errands.  I made it to Target to purchase a lamp shade I needed to complete this lamp here.  Now that I got the shade I figured I could post about it this past weekend.  WRONG, got home and realized I got the wrong size shade.  BOO!  Bribed my kids yesterday with store treats to run more errands, one being return and repurchase the correct shade.  And FINALLY I have a completed lamp that I can share with you.  At this rate, it is going to be one long summer I tell ya! 

Remember my $6 thrift lamp I first rewired here?


here is the after:
I also mentioned here about using this color:

I found out a couple things regarding that post that you might want to keep in mind. 

1.) When ordering a special color you have to purchase the group of 6 cans they come in, not just 1.


2.) Certain Sherwin William locations (if you are local the one in Provo does this) will customize your spray paint for you.  You bring in the color you want, they match it, and put it in the spray can for you.  However, this can be expensive.  You have to buy the quart of paint that they custom color for you, along with $13/can for them to fill the can. 

Both more money than I wanted to spend on one little lamp.  So, I searched Walmart, Lowes, and Home Depot and found no Krylon Satin Hyacinth.  However, someone suggested Roberts Crafts which fortunately had it!  Yippee!  It was $8.99/can :(, but I used a 40% off coupon to get it a little cheaper. 

I really do like the color!



  1. Beautiful. So, did you do anything different to the brass base of the lamp to prep it for the paint?

  2. Neida - I used a spray paint primer on the base before I painted it the color I wanted.


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