Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Botanical Art

I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to use some free botanical prints from this website.  Originally, I planned on using these 6 prints; however, two of them were such bad quality they did not print off well and narrowed it down to a grouping of four. 

Next I headed to the Family Dollar store and picked up these 8x10 frames for $3/each. 

Then sprayed them Rustoleum's Heirloom White.

One of the many things I dislike about hanging photos is repositioning again and again AND adding hole after hole in my walls.  So, I made a template and used that as my guide so I could play with the spacing and positioning to make sure I had it correct before hammering away. 

Here they are all up!

1 comment:

  1. They look great! Her room is really coming together :) I bet she is excited.


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