Sunday, February 19, 2012

Living Room Makeover Update

I bet you guys thought I jumped ship and quit blogging!  Nope!  Just spending some relaxing time here -
 and...busy making some major changes at home!

Do you ever make a change and look back and think, "what was I thinking?"...???

That is exactly what I said after I saw my before pictures below compared to changes I recently made.

Here is the BEFORE:

And here is the AFTER:

 Here's what I did:

- recovered the sofa (you can see that post here)
- new rug
- board and batten accent wall
-new roman shades
- repainted room
- new accent table
- new pillows
- new framed photos
- a few new room accessories

Stay tuned for more details on this room~!

1 comment:

  1. The changes look great! What's the new wall color?
    - Seth


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