Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today I Am Off To MD & NYC...

Today I am heading on a solo trip to Maryland to see some of my family.  It has been over two years since I have been back east and I am looking forward to it's gorgeous countryside.
While I am there, my mom and I are taking a quick 30 hour girls trip from MD to NYC by train.

Originally this 30 hour trip was planned to go and attend this show:

Sadly, their last taping was May 12th...we missed it by 1 week! :(  I am SO disappointed. 

However, I have one amazing mom who went and got tickets for the
Broadway show Memphis! - 

I have never been to NYC before so I am very excited to see Ground Zero, the Statue of Liberty, Time Square, and of course all the shops and stores.  It will be a very memorable short trip for my mom and I.

I also can't wait to enjoy my mom's cooking, she is one AMAZING cook.  I am very much looking forward to getting a taste of the Amish culture, go antiquing, see all the cute towns and shops, and most of all...spend time with my family!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip! Darn, you're missing the Nate Berkus show - he is so good. Have a fun trip - there's nothing like the northeast!

  2. I'm jealous! I've always wanted to go to NYC. have fun!

  3. Have fun! Sorry you couldn't see Nate :(


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