Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My First Blogger Award!

I am so excited to share with you guys that I was given my very first blogger award by Jen at Dishes And Socks.  It is The Versatile Blogger Award.  Thank you so much for thinking of me Jen!!

Thank the person that awarded you by linking them back in this post.
Tell us 7 random things about yourself.
Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers 

Random things about me:
1.) I love horses & dream of a country home with horses
2.) I LOVE 90's music and know Sir Mix-A-Lots' "I Like Big Butts" by heart. (my kids think it's funny when I sing it for them :)
3.) I eat anything but I don't like avocados or guacamole 
4.) I am very allergic to cats,Epi pen and all!
5.) I get excited about giving birth and love hospital food
6.) I am more scared of ghosts than burglars
7.) I am Chippewa & Cree Native American and used to dance in Pow Wows when I was younger.  I still have family that lives in N. Dakota on our reservation,Turtle Mountain Reservation.

15 blogs I recently found, go and check them out!


  1. Thanks for the blogger award but I am not interested in chain awards. Maybe consider giving mine to someone else who may play along. Happy vacation.

  2. Hi Trish! Thanks so much for the blogger award! So sweet for you to consider my blog... cheers! :)



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