Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Redo Already?

When my 10 1/2 yr old going on 20 year old comes to me and says she doesn't like her room anymore my first reaction is to get upset.  I created the room as a blank canvas only 2 short years ago.  Then, I remember how patient my husband is with me EVERYDAY that I tell him I am going to change this, then I am going to change that.  She gets it from me, so in reality...I am the one that created this monster in the first place.  (And I do use the term monster VERY lovingly:0)

Her room now:

Apparently, she HATES purple...??? Really?  Somehow I guess I missed that when we were decorating her room 2 years ago. 

So, I said I would we could work together to change things to her liking on two conditions:

1.) We have to keep the same bedding.  We got her a Pottery Barn quilt and sham that I don't want the expense of replacing.

2.) We keep the furniture set which I spent HOURS sanding & prepping to get professionally painted. 

She wants light blue walls, bead board, new light fixture, and overall a little more grown up.  

I can appreciate change; afterall, I am constantly doing just that to our entire house. 

Poor hubby, he now has two monsters to live with. :)

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