Monday, May 23, 2011

Back from NY & MD...

*Warning, picture overload!*

I am back from an incredible trip seeing and spending time with my wonderful family back east:

There were many new "firsts" for me, one being NY and all it's sites.

Um, mom and I basically had "tourist" written all over us. 

You wouldn't believe how much we fit into our 30 hour overnight trip!
Our hotel was just a block away from the garment district, it was a decorators haven!  I didn't know where to look first.

I couldn't believe Time Square, AMAZING:

Empire State Building:


For anyone going to NY soon, the show Memphis was a MUST see.  I was speechless, it was incredible!

The food was amazing!

I was excited to come across this street in our travels amongst the city.  It was the street that Tom Hanks named his mermaid Madison after in the movie "Splash".  It was from that movie that my husband and I had the "light bulb" moment to name our first born Madison.

We took the Ferry to Stanton Island so we could get a good look at the Statue of Liberty:

Central Park was even more beautiful than I could have imagined -

See that group of people in the photo above?  We originally thought it was an art show in the park; fortunately, we walked out of the park in that direction and found ourselves in the midst of a photo shoot for the upcoming movie Arbitrage. 

And guess who was shooting a scene?  The one and only Richard Gere.
Yes, I was a little starstruck...I have never seen a celebrity up close before. 

The very last site we saw was Ground Zero, SO touching.  This had a lot of meaning for me since two of my family members went on to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq after this being my brother.

This took my breath away, I had not seen a photo of this before from after the attack.  It was a support beam from the original tower that was left standing LIKE THIS after the dust had settled. 

Tomorrow I will show you pictures from Maryland, it is just gorgeous there.
 Meanwhile, I am going to catch up on my sleep and get back into the swing of things here!


  1. So glad you had a great time! The first celeb I saw in NYC was Dan Aykroyd. He was eating on the sidewalk and I freaked out! I was calling everyone..hahahaha. The photo of the cross is amazing.

  2. That is so awesome! I think I would have died in the garment district too! So, jealous.


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