Friday, January 30, 2015

Main Floor Tile Removal and Renovation Progress

After two years of being in our home we finally had the means to update the kitchen and main floor.  I have always wanted real hardwood floors and decided installing the floors would be the first step.  Of course that meant that the 700 square feet of tile had to come up first.  Yikes, what a mess.

Here are the before photos:

And the crazy messy during photos:

And here is a sneak peak of the floors after...

They are an engineered pre-finished oak floor.  I wanted a wood that would be durable and easy to maintain.  This flooring doesn't have to be re-varnished, you simply rub an oil over it, so easy!  I love the different color variation, it will compliment any color of furniture!

Kitchen cabinets and granite counter tops have been ordered, looking forward to seeing it all come together. 

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