Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Broken Bench

Months ago I was excited to find and purchase this beautiful bench on KSL (similar to Craigslist) for $20. 

I loved the fabric, and it made a nice addition to the bottom of our bed in our master bedroom. 

As I mentioned above I said I was excited to find it, not we...implying my husband and I.  The good sport he is, he picked it up for me on his way home from work.  However, he was not keen on having it there at the end of our bed.  Even though there was plenty of room to add it there, he knew we would stub our toes on it in the middle of the night and would end up being in the way.  You know what?!  He was right, and the one time I did stub my foot on it I had to bite my tongue because I didn't want to add fuel to his fire. :)

My kids loved to lay across or sit on it to watch TV in our room.  So I only assume, it was from their constant 'love' and 'affection' that this is what happened to it:
So, so sad. :(

But, I think it may have been a blessing in disguise.  

One, because my husband is happy that it was broken and no longer there.

And two, because the cushion top was still in perfect condition and I found something awesome to turn it into.

I have been working on it this past week and can't wait to show you what it will be!

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