Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boy Room Update

I haven't posted in quite some time; however, I have been quite busy around the house.

Now that my son is 8, he felt dinosaurs was a little "babyish".  So, I removed the dinosaurs in my sons room and filled his shelves with "sports" themed items that hopefully he will enjoy until he moves out of the house. :)

Here is what we ended up with:  

 The bat in the above picture used to be my husband's when he was a little boy.  I love how worn and loved it is.  I put it on a hook that he could easily take it on and off the wall with, that way it can serve as both functional and decorative.

Please excuse my absence for the next little while, I am headed into the OR tomorrow to have back surgery.  I'll be back, and have a lot of projects to update you on!

This post is linked up to:

Thrifty Decor Chick

1 comment:

  1. The room looks fantastic! I hope your surgery goes well. Looking forward to seeing your other projects.


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