Monday, August 1, 2011

Ashton, ID & Yellowstone Trip

I know, I have been MIA...but I have a good excuse :)
We just returned home from a fabulous trip to Ashton, ID and Yellowstone, site seeing, hiking, and enjoying time with our family, neighbors and friends!

The cabin in Ashton, ID - 

Yellowstone -

Old Faithful - 

Mesa Falls - Ashton, ID - 

We were warned of a furry friend wondering the neighborhood we stayed in.  We found these two prints on one of our cars the last day we were there that have yet to be explained...


Now that I am back I can catch you up on what I was busy with BEFORE we left :)

1 comment:

  1. Bear prints...that is a bit scary..LOL! Cool photo to have though!


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