Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Storage Once Again

Years ago when I was younger, my mom created a playhouse & kitchen for me in my bedroom walk-in-closet.  I have so many fond memories of my "Papa" sitting in there on my tiny kid size chair waiting for me to serve him up whatever I was cooking up that day.  I would cook for him for hours, it was my favorite place to be.

I always said that when I had kids I was going to do the same for my girls'.  I finally attempted it years ago when we finished our basement:

 I created an argyle stencil that I painted on first, and then added a flower stencil to finish it off.  It literally took me DAYS to do.  Don't look at it too long, your eyes will cross. :)

Sadly, it being in the basement and my girls' rooms being on the third floor it has not gotten the use I was hoping for.  

So, instead of this post being one of creativity and projects...it is only the lather.  This weekend I have been "repainting" the walls white to turn it into another storage room that our family of 6 so desperately needs.  So after 4 coats of paint later, it is FINALLY back to normal...

As boring as it is, at least it's functional and will be used 24/7 for storage!

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