Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back from CO!

I am back from two long fun filled weeks visiting family in Colorado.  My husband and I both grew up in Colorado, so we are fortunate enough to see both sides of our family when we venture home every summer. 

This year at my dad's ranch, my aunt took some amazing pictures at our family reunion that I wanted to share with you. I am so thankful she was able to capture these memories for us, and also the passion that my kids have for horses and riding. I have so many favorites; however, here are just a few:

(click to enlarge, her work is phenomenal!)

(My 4 year old is ALWAYS in her pajamas, sporting her horse nightgown and pink cowboy boots...CLASSIC!)

She is an amazing photographer! If you live in the Phoenix area, check her out @ Nona's Eyes.  She does a beautiful job, thanks Nona~!

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