Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thrift Store Chandelier

I found this chandelier at Savors thrift store for $20.  The paper sticker underneath it all says it is from 1891.

Originally was going to put it in our guest room; however decided against it.  It has sat and sat and now I have found the perfect home for it, my daughter's room makeover.  

One problem though, I think it needs to be rewired and I do not know how to do that :( 
I have only recently rewired a lamp which is much less difficult.

Unfortunately, I got ahead of myself and already spray painted it making my issue of rewiring it even more difficult, I AM SO IMPATIENT!

I really hope this turns out, I love it!

*Side Note* - check out this post here of the makeover and final reveal of this chandelier!

I linked up at:

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