Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rewiring The Chandelier - It Actually Works!

Remember this chandelier I posted about a couple days ago?

Well, the wiring in it was definitely faulty and very old.  I temporarily installed it to see if it worked, and only two of the five lights worked, and one flickered.  I took it apart and found this old cloth covered wire...can we say fire HAZARD?

I did a lot of research, and had a very helpful electrical personnel at Home Depot get me the correct wiring that I needed. 

When I took all the arms off, it looked like this:

S.C.A.R.Y.!  I was so nervous I couldn't get it back together correctly!??

I got to work and replaced the sockets with brand new ones to be safe:

And then redid all the wiring in each arm of the light:

Next, I put it all back together and had to make sure each of the "hot" wires of each arm got attached to the main "hot wire", and so on with the "neutral" wires. 

Then I had to repaint the entire thing again since I dinged it all up taking it apart and rewiring it.


It WORKS!  Hallelujah!  

I love it, and am so glad I could fix it and make a perfectly good old chandelier new again.


  1. You did an absolutely amazing job!! I can't believe how wonderful it looks! You definitely have a massive amount of talent...& take on an electrical project!!!

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