Monday, May 2, 2011

Nate Berkus's Design Manual

Nate Berkus is my IDOL!  Not only is his work inspirational, but him as an individual as well.  I enjoy his episodes daily and HIGHLY recommend you watching his show if you haven't already.

On a recent show, he helped a "design virgin" put together an empty room.  He gave her all the information she needed to get started from what he calls his, "Nate Manual".  I thought the information was so helpful, and would help give other "design virgins" out there the direction and confidence they needed to get started.  Here is Nate's tips from his manual:

1.How will this room be used?
Before you start picking paint samples and start thrifting for furniture, it’s important to choose the intention of your room. For example, if you’re decorating or renovating your living room, have the couch face the “purpose” of the space, whether it’s facing the TV, the fireplace, or an opposing seating area for socializing with family and friends.

2. Whose design opinions do I trust?
If you’re a first time decorator who’s easily overwhelmed by design decisions, call in a lifeline, don’t go it alone! Invite a friend or family member you trust with home interiors you admire for an extra set of eyes (and an extra pair of hands for rearranging heavy furniture!)

3. Do I have a strong floorplan?
Speaking of heavy furniture, avoid pushing your oversized chest of drawers clear across the room only to realize it doesn’t fit the way you planned. While some may have the gift of ‘eyeballing it,’ first time designers should play it safe and try the smart way – lay out your space beforehand! Create a paper floor plan on a blank sheet of paper drawn to scale with the measurements of your room. Measure your furniture and use the same scale to cut out the shapes in colored craft paper. Move each piece around the room, trying different combinations, until you’ve landing on a layout that’s both functional and fun.

I hope this helps give some of you the 'know how' to finally get started on your inspirations!

1 comment:

  1. I love Nate! My 6 year old even knows how much I love Nate! Haha!


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