Monday, May 9, 2011

If You Give Your Mom A Flower...

For those of you who have read the books by author Laura Numeroff, you will definitely understand this post. She is the author of, If You Give A Moose A Muffin:

So, for mother's day my sweet 10 year old daughter Madison made me a flower pen and a "If You Give Your Mom A Flower" book that she made at school.  She knows me so well!  Here is her awesome book:

If you give your mom a flower, she'll want to decorate with it.

Once she has decorated with it, she will remember to blog about it.

Then she will ask you to get her on Twitter. While she is tweeting...

Nate Berkus will tweet about his new episode.  If she reads that she will ask you to watch Nate Berkus and Sarah's House with her.

But she will get thirsty before you get down there.  She will probably ask you for some Pepsi Max.

When drinking, she will remember she needs to visit the thrift store, Real Deals, Hobby Lobby, and Rod Works.

She will buy some paint.  When she gets home...

She will want to read and listen to Taylor Swift.

Reading will remind her of horses...

She will probably want to decorate your neighbors house who owns horses.

After decorating their house, she will blog about their house...

She will see the post of the flower.

And chances are seeing the post, she will realize

She wants to find a even better spot for her flower

Thank you Madison for being such a special daughter!  I love your creativity and how supportive you always are to me.

I love you,
Mom xoxo


  1. What a great gift to make at school! I taught Elementary School for 7 years..I will definitely pass this on to my teacher friends! Love this!

  2. That is seriously such a cute book that Madison wrote for you! How sweet!


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