Friday, May 27, 2011

I Did It, I Rewired My Own Lamp!

After posting here about how to rewire a lamp, I have been looking for one of my own to experiment on.  I recently found this one during one of my many thrifting adventures, I thought it was a good height and had a pretty shape to it.

It was a whopping $6.99.  Right away I figured this baby would need to be rewired, look at that plug?!

Not to mention it had no switch thingy on it!

Definitely not something I feel safe about putting in my daughter's room!

I found my rewire kit at Ace Hardware for $10.99 - 

I too my needle nose pliers and quickly cut the old wiring out of the lamp:

and was left with this...

I followed the directions on the back of the kit.  Surprisingly, it was EASY PEASY!

I screwed in my light bulb, and nervously plugged it in.  And guess what...???

It ACTUALLY turned ON!  I was very pleased with myself I must say, I felt so...handy!

For some reason it still makes me nervous to use.  I know it turns on and all, but what if I didn't tighten the wires tight enough or something and it catches fire?

Now that it works (hopefully stays working :0) I need to make it PRETTY!  On to painting it and finding a shade!


  1. Good job! I will be interested in following how you refinish the lamp. I have an old brass finished floor lamp that I want to paint. I have my paint ready but I'm not sure how to prepare it so the paint adheres. So, I will be watching to see what you do with your brass base!

  2. Neida - I have painted brass fixtures before and it actually adheres very nicely as long as you use a spray paint primer first.


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