Saturday, April 9, 2011

When we built this house 6 years ago, I was really into warm/bright color tones.  This poor little half bath on our main floor has seen almost every color of the rainbow.  I really don't know what I was thinking.  Here it is at it's most "sunny" moment:

The more I research and design for others, I find my taste changing. 

Shhhhh, I did not say that out loud. (*looking around to see if the man of the house is reading over my shoulder* :)

I am finding that I am falling in love with all the cool tones, grays and soft blues.

This teeny tiny little bathroom is not the easiest to photograph.  It is so hard for my camera to pick up on the new "true" color of this bathroom.  I painted it Sherwin Williams Realist Beige.  If a color could be both tan and gray in one, then this is the color!

I love it!  We'll see how long this one lasts. :0)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! I love love love it! You get me in trouble whenever I see what you do, I want to start changing stuff too!


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