Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ideas On How To Make Your Own DIY Rugs

Rugs can be incredibly E.X.P.E.N.S.I.V.E.; however, I saw several different ideas on how to create your own DIY rugs that I thought you guys might find helpful and inspiring.

 The first rug was done by Mandi from Vintage Revivals.  She is amazing and SO inspirational.  She came up with this great idea and carried it out to make one, totally awesome rug!


 You can check out her full tutorial on her blog.

A lot of work, but definitely worth it for the final product!


The second is a VERY cool chevron print painted rug made by Jessie from Cape 27.  Check out her step by step tutorial here.

And last, but definitely not least, a choose your own fabric DIY rug from high-heel foot in the doorShe has a great step by step tutorial, go check it out!

danielasapt 033

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