Wednesday, April 11, 2012

DIY Pottery Barn Jute Braid Pillow Look Alike

I have been eying this lovely pillow over at Pottery Barn for some time now, but $39 for just the cover?!  No thank you!!

I figured I could make one that looked similar for a lot cheaper.

I started by visiting Hobby Lobby and purchasing this trim that had the braid look and color to it - 

I found some leftover off-white canvas from a previous project and used that for the pillow.

I attached the trim to the fabric first, and completed the entire square - 

The corners were a little tricky.  I didn't want rounded corners so I just cut and sewed the trim to meet at a point - 

Next I sewed both finished square pieces together on 3 sides.  Then I put my pillow insert in and sewed the remaining side closed.  The corners were to thick to run through my machine, so I close the all the sides and hand stitched the corners closed.

Pretty close to the real thing!

And...for 1/4 of the cost!  Can't beat under $10 dollars!!!


  1. The pillow looks great! I'm trying to imitate the smoke blue pillow, but have zero sewing skills. :-(

  2. I love this! I know it's an old post but can you tell me how you sewed the trim to the fabric? Thanks!

  3. I took one of the two sides and sewed the trim straight onto each side, then sewed the two sides together right side out on the the trim. Hope this helps!


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